Leaders and technology literacy
2 min read
The government’s increasing reliance on technology to engage with the public, provide services, and streamline back office processes means that...
Research unit provides city with secret weapon
2 min read
City councils are important. They not only represent citizens at the most local level, but they also shape the future...
Quote of the Day – August 14th
1 min read
“But as to this retirement business, let me give a word of advice to all of you young people around...
Mismanage With Me
3 min read
He blew up the factory! Jack Welch, as CEO of General Electric for two decades, grew the company to be...
Living Within and Without Our Boxes
3 min read
I used to joke that boxes are for storing stuff, not people. During my nine years as a public servant,...
Quote of the Day – August 13th
1 min read
“All this progress is marvelous. Now if only it would stop.” Allan Lamport, mayor of Toronto, 1950 Do you have...
The benefits of an executive coach
2 min read
Last week, Rick Conlow and Doug Watsabaugh wrote in Businessweek that 50 to 60 percent of managers fail in what...
The Chef D’Orchestre: Leadership Model of the Future
2 min read
What word is even more ubiquitous in government circles than “change”? I would argue that it’s “leadership.” As governments move...
Weekly Roundup – August 9th
1 min read
It’s been an exciting week! Our blog has only been live for three days, but the response to it has...
Messy desk, creative mind
2 min read
It has long been postulated that tidy desks are more conducive to productivity in the workplace, and that an organized...