Jeffrey Roy
Jeffrey Roy is a professor in the School of Public Administration at Dalhousie University
The Crypto (R)Evolution?
4 min read
The Crypto (R)Evolution? As if Covid-19 and climate change weren’t already not enough, the world is witnessing an equally profound...
Cyberspace & the Nation-State
4 min read
While Covid remains the most visible threat looming over the Biden Presidency, a less visible but similarly porous (and somewhat...
Living with Covid: Government, Media & Society
4 min read
The spreading of Covid-19 around the world has brought about unprecedented challenges for government messaging. Along with daily death tolls and...
The Promise and Peril of Vaccine Passports
4 min read
Between the hope of vaccine optimism and a starkly persisting Covid-19 threat, there is growing interest in the notion of...
Combatting the COVID Infodemic
4 min read
With COVID-19 vaccines here, cultivating public trust has never been more crucial. What public authorities must fully comprehend is that...
Pandemic Politics and Virtual Elections
4 min read
In recent years there has been much talk about the promise and peril of digital democracy. From online voting –...
COVID-19 and the Re-imagined Workspace
4 min read
More than a few years ago, my first taste of corporate life unfolded in the polished confines of a high-rise...
Libra, Huawei, and Canadian Cyber-Security
4 min read
The mixed and varied reactions to Facebook’s announcement of a new global crypto-currency – named Libra, are emblematic of a...
To build trust, governments must learn how to collaborate
7 min read
Trust slowly evolves when citizens, society, and governments collaborate and do it well. But it is not easy, and the process can be...
How smart should a city be?
9 min read
Thanks to the development of new technologies that make previously unimaginable capabilities routine, cities appear to be on the brink...