John Wilkins
John Wilkins is a teaching practitioner with The School of Public Policy and Administration at York University. He was a career senior public servant and diplomat. (wilkins@yorku.ca)
Mapping new frontiers … Complexity
4 min read
Things just get curiouser and curiouser. Lewis Carroll (1865): ’s Adventures in Wonderland David Thompson was a British-Canadian fur trader,...
Bridging the gap … Credibility
4 min read
A leader’s credibility begins with personal success. It ends with helping others achieve personal success. – John Maxwell In 1966,...
Middle Management
4 min read
The only constant………..Change And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the...
Leader as lover: The power of passion
2 min read
Humans are a strange but compassionate species. We are an amalgam of spirit, social relationships, and awkward behaviour. Our lives...
Leader as delegator: The power of trust
2 min read
According to Stephen Covey, “Our greatest power lies within our circle of influence.” A leader’s circle involves people in all...
Leader as thinker: The power of insight
2 min read
Wise leaders gain strength from peace of mind, self-control, and the joy of learning. They have an inner serenity that...
Leader as hero: The power of commitment
2 min read
When times get tough, we turn to leaders for courage. Yet rarely is courage found in the competency profile of...
Leader as Hero: The Power of Commitment
3 min read
When times get tough, we turn to leaders for courage. Yet rarely is courage found in the competency profile of...
Leader as servant: The power of reflection
2 min read
Humility is a core trait of leaders who, like Gandhi, see themselves as humble servants. These leaders do not lack...
Leader as motivator: The power of inspiration
2 min read
In our work, we are constantly reminded of how close the world now seems compared with when we were growing...