John Wilkins
John Wilkins is a teaching practitioner with The School of Public Policy and Administration at York University. He was a career senior public servant and diplomat. (wilkins@yorku.ca)
Bending the arc of history
2 min read
Shakespeare's "dark comedy," Measure for Measure, deals with the issues of mercy, justice and truth.
Sky Pilot: Ministering to public service renewal
2 min read
Henry Mintzberg observed in a 2007 CGE interview that management and leadership are two sides of the same coin.
Making the case for leadership development
2 min read
Reform is almost always about developing the capacity of government to manage, deliver and renew public services. The capacity deficit...
Alice through the Looking Glass …
2 min read
Public sector reform can be like falling down a rabbit hole — things just get "curiouser and curiouser."