Lori Turnbull
Dr. Lori Turnbull is the Director of the School of Public Administration at Dalhousie University and Deputy Editor of Canadian Government Executive.
Let’s Get ‘Skills Secure’: Closing the Gaps in Canada’s Lifelong Education System
7 min read
Summary and Recommendations Labour markets in Canada and around the world are being disrupted by the gig economy and the...
Why Canada’s Public Service Should Grow its Interchange Program to Build Skills and Networks
6 min read
As the labour market shifts from full-time work toward short-term and part-time contracts, workers and organizations are experiencing benefits and...
Inter- and Intrastate Politics and Governance in Canada
4 min read
In federal systems like Canada’s – where power, authority, and responsibility are divided and/or shared between multiple orders of government...
Why Canada needs a cabinet manual
4 min read
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has, on many occasions, expressed his commitment to open and accountable government. He was the first...
Confidence and Supply in British Columbia
4 min read
Public servants are responsible for providing advice and support to the government of the day. Normally, though not necessarily, the...