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Category: Accountability

A nod for ROI 

CGE Vol.14 No.2 February 2008 Let's say you're a senior manager, somewhere in the public sector, with a mandate that inclu

Granting clarity 

The Independent Blue Ribbon Panel on Grants and Contributions called for fundamental change to the management of grants and contributions.

A place for program evaluation 

As the global economy struggles to regain some forward momentum, Canadian governments are looking for ways to limit government spending...

Monitoring the money 

For the next few years, the federal government's overarching agenda will be to find ways of balancing its budget.

Valuing Public Service 

Bill Greenlaw is the elected president of the Institute for Public Administration in Canada. His keynote speech to their annual...

What of regulation? 

Much of the current conversation about the federal government's economic agenda has concentrated on its decision to cut the GST...