Granting clarity
5 min read
The Independent Blue Ribbon Panel on Grants and Contributions called for fundamental change to the management of grants and contributions.
A place for program evaluation
4 min read
As the global economy struggles to regain some forward momentum, Canadian governments are looking for ways to limit government spending...
L’organisation des ONG : s’inspirer des chambres de commerce
5 min read
Au Canada, le secteur bénévole et à but non lucratif vit une situation particulière. Normalement, un secteur qui réunit 161...
Deficient data fails program evaluation
4 min read
This will be a defining budget for Stephen Harper. It will chart the financial course of the federal government for...
Fiscal model no longer sustainable
4 min read
It is difficult to determine when the debate about the need to strike a better balance between taxes and government...
How to cut regulatory red tape
4 min read
In recent months, the attention of Canadians has been focused on the March 29 federal budget and its implications for...