Balancing energy expenditure
7 min read
Energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of high performance. But most executives are obsessed with time.
The right stuff: Improving executive resilience
6 min read
Across the country, public sector leaders are challenged with the daunting task of managing change and transition while delivering business...
The traps that cause government failure
6 min read
When Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, it was government that got him there. U.S. President John F. Kennedy had...
Finding your ego equilibrium
6 min read
Ego can do us in. It can lead to arrogance, blindness, and a destructive relationship with those we need to...
The tone at the top
4 min read
and the more layers between a given employee and the relevant manager/executive
Changing times and employee engagement
6 min read
CGE Vol.14 No.2 February 2008 Management speaks of change in positive terms, for who would want to change for the...
Are we missing our prosperity potential?
6 min read
Innovation, leadership and a commitment to building a knowledge advantage are cited as some of the greatest challenges facing Canada...
Super-bureaucrats and counter-democracy
6 min read
One of the most paradoxical Biblical parables, found the Gospel of Luke, is that of the dishonest servant who, being...
A Voice for Canadian Enterprise
6 min read
CGE Vol.14 No.1 January 2008 "We've entered into an era in which economic value is added through knowledge, and in...
Superbureaucrates et contre-démocratie
5 min read
L'une des paraboles bibliques les plus paradoxales rapportées par Luc est celle du serviteur malhonnête qui, étant appelé à rendre...