Medicine Hat jostles employees to communicate
3 min read
Poet Rudyard Kipling famously described southeastern Alberta as having "...all hell for a basement and the only trap door appears...
Gender’s digital divide
4 min read
To start with a timeless question: what do woman want? Presumably, whatever else may be on their list, they want...
Tomorrow’s Deputy: Outward looking and visible
4 min read
In the January issue, Ruth Hubbard and David Zussman discussed the importance of speaking truth to power.
What’s in your system? Integrated application modernization planning
4 min read
As the IT needs of an organization evolve, and existing systems age, it is critical to look at application modernization...
The rising tide of transparency
4 min read
One important consequence of climate change is rising ocean levels. The increases are gradual, imperceptible to most and yet potentially...
Four principles for application modernization
4 min read
With 69 percent of IT operating budgets and 54 percent of IT capital budgets now going toward maintaining existing systems,...
Reducing the legal paper trail
4 min read
Moving to a paperless work environment is not as simple as it might seem. As comfortable as we are with...
Canada ranks 5th in e-government
1 min read
The UN's E-Government Survey for 2012 ranks Canada in a tie for 5th place behind South Korea, the Netherlands, the...