Democracy, diversity and unity online
4 min read
Shortly after the Quebec referendum of October 1995 that brought the country to the brink of a constitutional abyss, I...
Making politics matter
5 min read
As this column goes to print (literally or online as the case may be), most readers are hopefully captivated by...
The power and peril of proximity
4 min read
One of the peculiarities of the 21st century is the correlation between virtualization and urbanization: more people online on the...
Stimulus spending and online oversight: How the U.S. trumps Canada
4 min read
Full disclosure - the Conservative government has serious problems with the Parliamentary Budgetary Officer, Kevin Page, and so do I.
“Entergagement”: The future of digital media and government
4 min read
If 2012 marks the surpassing of compact disks by digital music, equally profound changes are also on the horizon with...