Silent Parliament, silent policy
4 min read
The recent decision to prorogue Parliament on December 30th was yet another example of the unwillingness of the current government...
Government in the cloud: what’s the hold up?
1 min read
You may remember Vivek Kundra as the U.S. federal government Chief Information Officer. He was a champion of open government.
La campagne du greffier pour un changement de culture
6 min read
Le 31 mars dernier, le greffier du Bureau du Conseil privé a présenté au premier ministre son plus récent rapport...
Reduction of the Irish
2 min read
The Irish government is determined to reform government, including the way it delivers services.
A manager’s guide to job reductions
2 min read
The federal Parliamentary Budget Officer has stated what everyone in Ottawa knows: there will be staff cuts in the federal...
Une plus grande participation pour une collaboration sans précédent
5 min read
Après avoir passé plusieurs années à combattre le gaspillage et à superposer de nouvelles règles administratives aux anciennes, l'administration fédérale...
The strength of social media
1 min read
Yesterday I participated in a panel discussion examining the role of social media in policy innovation - and how think...
Unprecedented collaboration needs broader participation
4 min read
After years of attacking waste and piling new administrative rules on top of old ones, the federal government is now...
The OPS workplace: Integrating positive values and ethics
2 min read
In a document entitled "Our Values at Work," the Secretary of the Cabinet in Ontario is telling members of the...
What role should ministers play in running a department?
2 min read
This report from the UK Public Administration Committee looks at the evolving role of Cabinet ministers in the U.K. system...