Dire la vérité aux dirigeants
5 min read
Au cours de ma longue expérience auprès de différents ministres d'allégeances politiques diverses, je n'en ai jamais rencontré un seul...
A pivotal year for science and innovation policy
3 min read
2012 has the potential to be an important year for Canadian science and innovation policy, one to be remembered for...
Hommage à l’innovation
3 min read
Le leadership au sein des organismes du secteur public est l'un des acquis les plus importants du Canada. L'Institut d'administration...
De meilleurs leaders politiques
6 min read
Robert Louis Stevenson a déjà affirmé que « la politique est la seule profession où la formation n'est pas jugée...
Ontario Public Service Ideas and Innovation
3 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.8 October 2007 A modern public service is one that is relevant, flexible and effective in dealing successfully with
Innovation in the public sector: A global view
5 min read
As the Ontario Public Service readies for its involvement this April in Creativity and Innovation We know that today's employee,...
Letter to a new public servant: Your imagination, innovation and irreverence are required
7 min read
You've made a good choice. If you're in the public sector right now, you're at the centre of the action.