Policy dashboard: Foresight, intelligence and business analytics
7 min read
Wayne Gretzky used to say, “I skate to where the puck is going to be.” This philosophy applies equally to...
For safety’s sake: An Act worth celebrating
4 min read
On October 1, 1979 the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act came into force. Thirty years later we celebrate what...
Managing black swans: The unprepared in pursuit of the unpredictable
5 min read
The term "black swan" has captured the imagination of many a manager and pundit. Unfortunately, most managers misunderstand it.
Striking the innovation bargain
5 min read
Your boss encourages you to be innovative, but there is little support anywhere else in your department.
Risk management at risk
3 min read
Timing may not be everything, but it certainly can sound an entertaining note in the public policy arena every now...
Herding cats: Project management in the public service
4 min read
According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project...
La gestion du risque… à risque
4 min read
Le choix du moment n'est peut-être pas tout, mais cela contribue de temps à autre à mettre un peu de...
La confiance : l’antidote à l’aversion pour le risque
6 min read
Wayne Wouters occupe le poste de secrétaire du Cabinet, greffier du Conseil privé et chef de la fonction publique du...