“It’s kind of scary”
7 min read
The federal government reached outside the public sector last spring for a new face atop the Chief Information Branch at...
Êtes-vous toujours digne de confiance?
5 min read
La plupart des leaders reconnaissent d'emblée que leur efficacité dépend de leur capacité à gagner et à garder la confiance...
Belt tightening: Obstacle or opportunity for managers?
4 min read
The significant challenges created by the global recession have had a profound impact on our lives. All economies have been...
Making IT Green
6 min read
A new water-cooled supercomputer in Switzerland promises a carbon reduction of 85 percent and a decrease in CO2 of up...
Leading through transition
7 min read
The Canadian Forces and the Department of National Defence are grappling with the requirements of Strategic Review and the Deficit...
De cancre à premier de classe : pour un changement de culture au niveau municipal
4 min read
Il y a cinq ans à peine, deux administrations municipales néoR09;zélandaises, Christchurch (338 000 habitants) et Hutt City (95 000 habitants), a
L’organisation des ONG : s’inspirer des chambres de commerce
5 min read
Au Canada, le secteur bénévole et à but non lucratif vit une situation particulière. Normalement, un secteur qui réunit 161...
Intelligent solution: Six tips for BI success
4 min read
The need for better accountability has led Treasury Board to enforce a Management Resources and Results Structure (MRRS), which requires...
Preserving Ontario’s digital memory
5 min read
Digital records are pervasive in all aspects of our personal and working life. The creation of digital information is exploding...