Collision entre les contributions et les contrats
4 min read
Les administrations fédérale, provinciales et municipales versent des milliards de dollars en subventions et contributions à des milliers de bénéficiaires,...
What happened to the paperless office?
3 min read
Stacked in different colours and piled high on our desks, paper occupies every inch of our daily office space. HP...
The value of arts and culture
2 min read
The subtitle of this report, prepared by the U.S. National Governors Association (NGA) Centre for Best Practices, is called “Using...
21st century government: A more targeted approach
2 min read
Quote of the week “…thinking government is necessarily the solution to a problem is outmoded thinking these days…” — President...
Challenges for the communications function
2 min read
If there is one area of government that continues to change rapidly it is the communications function.
Action plan for crisis management
5 min read
With the hotly contested Canadian and American elections behind us, the nation's attention turns to finding appropriate public policy responses...
Measuring what matters
6 min read
Many governments have bought into the notion of the Balanced Scorecard, the system of performance management by Robert Kaplan and...
Lesson from Own the Podium
4 min read
Most Canadians were glued to their televisions on February 28 when Canada triumphed in the gold medal hockey game against...
Le dilemme d’Obama: fermeté ou écoute?
5 min read
Au moment où s'amorce la présidence d'Obama, les spéculations vont bon train sur le genre de dirigeant qu'il sera :...