Gone in 60 seconds professional development survey
1 min read
Canadian Government Executive, in collaboration with Dalhousie University, is seeking your input on workshops we would like to offer to...
Tear down these walls: Bureaucracy, government and the future of work
4 min read
Wouldn’t we all love to work in an open, transparent and inclusive organisation? A workplace for co-creation powered by a...
Organizational Risks with the Government of Canada’s Digitization and Information Technology
14 min read
Imagine your favorite world class service provider replacing the Board of Directors and key executives with people without any experience...
First Ministers’ Meeting: The Most Visible of Canada’s Intergovernmental Machinery
9 min read
Barring a massive emergency, on December 7,h 2018, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau convened his fourth and likely final First Ministers’...
Society is changing — government needs innovation to adapt
4 min read
My experience in government has spanned across municipal, provincial and now federal jurisdictions. It is obvious that the public sector...
How to Start Thinking about Non-Conventional Intelligence for Regional Insights
7 min read
If your Deputy Minister asked you to identify a dozen communities that had laid off factory workers in the last...
The more women in government, the healthier a population
4 min read
In November 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau formed the first gender-balanced cabinet in Canadian history. In announcing his cabinet, he...
Mr. Zuckerberg’s Democratic Dilemma
4 min read
When Mark Zuckerberg checked out of Harvard for California’s Silicon Valley, his lofty ambitions were to connect the world and...
Digital government in Canada: Moving from good to great
4 min read
People already know the world is digital and that the best organizations interact with them on the device and channel...
Creating a Better Canada from our Imperfect Origins
4 min read
After the general federal election in October 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s party became the government. Observers say that the...