Quote of the Day – August 9th
1 min read
“True progress can come only as the result of thoughtful, continuous, co-operative effort. This progress will necessarily be slow, but...
Quote of the Day – August 8th
1 min read
“I will make mistakes, but I hope it will be said of me when I give up the highest honour...
Quote of the Day – August 7th
1 min read
“Every reform, however necessary, will by weak minds be carried to an excess which will itself need reforming.” Samuel Taylor...
Shared services: The Ontario solution
2 min read
There are some success stories out there when it comes to shared services. The province of Ontario is frequently held...
We want your voice
2 min read
Today we are launching a CGE blog. So, you might ask, why a blog? After all, CGE has a publication...
Mismanage With Me
3 min read
He blew up the factory! Jack Welch, as CEO of General Electric for two decades, grew the company to be...
Welcome to Our Blog
2 min read
Welcome to our new blog. You found us… Our blog has a simple purpose: to provide a forum so you...
The evolution of the modern data center
4 min read
Cool. Dry. Secure. Since the first data centers came into existence in the early 1950s, and the first major security...
A few keys to engaging presentations
2 min read
Presentations can be nerve-wracking at the best of times, even for experienced public speakers. It can be difficult to gauge...
Defence renewal: Seeking a better way of doing business
13 min read
"Finding efficiencies" might be an overused cliché, but allied defence forces from Australia to the United States have undertaken significant...