Both sides now: looking at clouds and the gathering storm
5 min read
Two important global events are garnering much attention: the upcoming Winter Olympics and December's global forum on climate change in...
The rise of municipal government 2.0
4 min read
Despite the occasional ministerial tweet and public banter about the federal government's imminent (always imminent) plans to expand the usage...
E-health: A governance failure
4 min read
The recent scandals plaguing Ontario's e-health agency carry important lessons for the evolution of digital government and the challenges that...
The future of service delivery: Paper, place and politics
4 min read
More than a decade ago, some enterprising folks at Industry Canada produced a powerful PowerPoint depiction of online service and...
Gov 2.0 the U.K. way
3 min read
The Obama administration is appointing "Directors of New Media" for most agencies, to develop Web 2.0 strategies, and more open,...
Public Service 2.0: A new participative ethos
3 min read
Is there reason to hope? Once again, the federal government has pledged to empower staff and simplify rules in search...
Oversight and openness: Fixing the RCMP
4 min read
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are one of Canada's most critical assets in a digital world, fighting cyber-crime and terrorism...
Fonction publique 2.0 : les nouvelles valeurs participatives
4 min read
Y a-t-il de l'espoir? Une fois de plus, le gouvernement fédéral s'est engagé à donner des moyens à son personnel...
Retail politics and downsized democracy
4 min read
Toronto's new mayor, Rob Ford, has pledged to cut city council in half. Although such downsizing is unlikely to be...
L’administrateur de l’avenir : ouvert sur le monde et visible
4 min read
Dans le numéro de janvier, Ruth Hubbard et David Zussman nous ont entretenus de l'importance de dire la vérité aux...