Valuing Public Service
5 min read
Bill Greenlaw is the elected president of the Institute for Public Administration in Canada. His keynote speech to their annual...
Le renouvellement des effectifs dans un monde vieillissant
4 min read
On pense souvent que la fonction publique devra recruter un grand nombre de jeunes professionnels, surtout des récents diplômés, pour...
Coaching ourselves: Achieving success through guided conversations
5 min read
Henry Mintzberg is Canada's most celebrated management thinker. He and colleagues have recently developed a method to help organizations become...
Evaluation of the quality management system
5 min read
Have you ever asked yourself the question: 'How would I evaluate the Quality Management System (QMS) in my organization' The...
The numbers debate
6 min read
The public service strives to achieve positive outcomes with appropriately targeted policies and services. With increasing demand for accountability, there...
L’avenir de la TI
4 min read
Jumeler les compétences opérationnelles avec le souci du service, les aptitudes interpersonnelles avec les capacités techniques
A place for program evaluation
4 min read
As the global economy struggles to regain some forward momentum, Canadian governments are looking for ways to limit government spending...
Commitment to trust
6 min read
Stephen M.R. Covey has sold 600,000 copies of The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything, a book...
Safe work places: Alberta releases injury and fatality records
3 min read
Last fall, Alberta's Employment and Immigration department posted online the workplace injury and fatality data for more than 140,000 employers...
Combler l’écart entre l’élaboration et l’application des politiques
5 min read
La complexité des programmes publics ne date pas d'hier. Nul ne peut nier les efforts qui ont été consacrés à...