In a bold move towards sustainability, the city of Markham, Ontario, has become home to Canada’s first-ever net-zero neighborhood, thanks to a significant investment of $8.7 million from the Government of Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund. This funding aims to ensure that residents in the new Berczy Glen neighborhood can enjoy eco-friendly and cost-effective energy solutions.

The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, alongside Geoff Stewart, President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, announced the funding, highlighting its importance in the development of a cutting-edge geothermal energy system. This innovative system is designed to provide efficient heating and cooling to 312 homes within the burgeoning community.

“Energy efficiency means cost savings for Canadians. At a time when we are facing challenges with affordability and climate change, this partnership between Enwave Energy, the City of Markham, and Mattamy Homes will meet Canadians where they are at and deliver the action they need for better housing and more affordable clean home energy. Projects like the Berczy Glen geothermal energy system help deliver on the commitments announced recently in Canada’s first-ever Green Buildings Strategy, which is a plan to save Canadians money, create jobs and seize the economic opportunities of a sustainable future,” expressed the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources.

The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change added, “Climate action can take many forms; using innovative technologies to make our neighbourhoods more sustainable is one of them. Through this funding, the new Berczy Glen neighbourhood of Markham will be able to access clean and affordable energy using geothermal energy. This is just one example of many great municipal projects we are supporting that will deliver financial, social and environmental benefits to our communities.”

The project, which began in 2022, is a collaborative effort between the city of Markham, Enwave Energy Corporation, and Mattamy Homes Canada. It features a pioneering design that taps into the earth’s natural heat, using a geothermal borehole network buried beneath the roads. This network operates on an ambient loop system, distributing energy throughout the community and connecting to individual homes via a single pipe—much like an electrical grid. The result is a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

“Municipalities have influence over more than half of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions, making it crucial for them to take ambitious climate action for Canada to achieve its net zero target by 2050. The support of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Government of Canada is essential in this endeavor. FCM’s Green Municipal Fund enables projects like the development of the Berczy Glen neighborhood to move forward. Collaboration among all orders of government is necessary to continue working towards a more sustainable and affordable Canada, and FCM is proud to be part of such an important initiative,” explained Geoff Stewart, FCM President.

Carlyle Coutinho, CEO Enwave Energy Corporation continued, “We are pleased to be the recipient of funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund for our innovative project at the Berczy Glen community.  Undertaking a large ambition like the geothermal system we’ve developed in Markham requires partnership and shared ambition, and we are proud to have partnered with Mattamy Homes Canada and the City of Markham to build this low-carbon community together. We look forward to the potential to scale this new low-carbon model in communities across Canada as we progress toward net-zero emissions.”

As Markham continues to grow rapidly, this sustainable neighborhood represents a major milestone in the city’s journey toward achieving its net-zero emissions targets. It also serves as an inspiring example for other municipalities aiming to embrace greener, more sustainable urban development.

“Mattamy is proud to partner with like-minded organizations who share our commitment to a more sustainable future and excited for the opportunities that our Berczy Glen community will provide for residents,” concluded Brad Carr, CEO Mattamy Homes Canada.