It’s been an exciting week! Our blog has only been live for three days, but the response to it has been overwhelming. A huge thank you to everyone who contributed their time, knowledge, and writing talents to this project. As always, comments are welcome – this is your space and we want to hear what you have to say!

Now that Friday is upon us, we thought we’d do a roundup of the things we’ve been talking about this week.

The DNR Group’s Howard Sklivas talks about the evolution of the modern data center.

Jodi LeBlanc, blog contributor and Values and Ethics Advisor with Veterans Affairs Canada, outlines ten key skills public service employees should have in the workplace of the future.

Editor emeritus Paul Crookall takes a walk down memory lane in the first installment of his series Mismanage With Me, a monthly column devoted to the mistakes we make and what we can learn from them.

Staff writer Amy Allen offers some tips on how to give an engaging presentation, talks about Ontario’s success with shared services, and contrasts the effects messy desks vs. tidy desks can have on productivity.

What are your thoughts on these topics? Let us know in the comments… and have a wonderful weekend!