Mentoring is a two-way street
3 min read
What makes a perfect mentor? Is it age and seniority? Perhaps it is years of education and experience?
A strategy for diversity and inclusion
6 min read
The Ontario Public Service's Diversity Office envisions a diverse and inclusive organization that delivers excellent public service and is truly...
4 min read
Nous voulons vous faire part de nos idées pour faire de la fonction publique un employeur de choix, ce qui...
Employee Engagement:High ROI strategies
5 min read
The BC Public Service has had an intense focus on improving employee engagement for three years. We've done that using...
First Nations reconciliation: Building trust and understanding
5 min read
Half a millennium since first contact between Aboriginal peoples and European explorers, 141 years since the British North America Act,...
Lean health: Trimming Ontario’s waste
6 min read
With healthcare spending typically the single largest component of any government's budget, and with demographic changes adding more pressure to...
Better public services or your money back
5 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.7 September 2007 Governments and their public service organizations are at the heart of our system of democracy. The
Igniting innovation and collaboration
6 min read
In December 2008, the BC Public Service launched Spark, an internal website for constructive collaboration within the organization.
The best place to work?
1 min read
Now this is an idea whose time has come: a list of the best places to work in the government....
Modernizing HR management
6 min read
I believe the most exciting, important and rewarding job of public sector leaders is to demonstrate excellence in HR management.