Attention, la génération Internet arrive!
5 min read
La récente campagne électorale américaine nous a permis d'assister à une fantastique démonstration du savoir-faire des jeunes et de leur...
Your ultimate advantage: The power of focus
5 min read
It has been said that if everything is important, nothing is important. As a leader, what are the two or...
BOC Governor David Dodge Retires with Legacy of Straight Talk and Sound Action
6 min read
CGE Vol.14 No.2 February 2008 As David Dodge steps down today from his post as Governor of the Bank of...
Lessons on diversity
6 min read
When I was asked to explore innovative approaches to bilingualism, communications and diversity in the Public Service of Canada, I...
Renewal … in both official languages
4 min read
It is a good management practice to review programs and activities periodically to provide a high level of service to...
Révolution collaborative à RNCan
4 min read
Changer la culture des employés un outil à la fois Le site Wiki de Ressources naturelles Canada a déclenché une...
Project and portfolio management in the “stimulus” age
5 min read
Canadians want smart spending, and to hear about project successes, rather than failures. The 'need for speed' on stimulus packages...
Building trust helps Metis make great strides
4 min read
In recent years, the Ontario government and the Metis people have signed several significant agreements under a new partnership.
Cocréation et renforcement des capacités : un changement durable
6 min read
D'abord vue comme stable, même figée, la fonction publique connaît maintenant des changements continus et s'adapte à de nouveaux modèles...
Trust, transformation and technology
7 min read
Allan Seckel joined the British Columbia public service in 2003 after a career in civil litigation and class action practice...