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Author: Admin

Culture distinctions 

Most government executives, most of the time, are focused on dealing with Canadians. But there are times when they have...

Who do you hire? 

In the past decade, leaders have been repeatedly told to improve their strategy and decision making if they want to...

Lessons from PSMA review 

The Public Service Modernization Act, which came into force in 2005, was the most significant change to people management legislation...

Of Abbie and Eldridge 

CGE Vol.13 No.10 December 2007 If you were in or around Ottawa in mid-October, you might have caught the reincarnation...

Réflexion sur le Manitoba 

Paul Vogt est greffier du Conseil exécutif du gouvernement du Manitoba. Il s'entretient ici avec Paul Thomas, responsable de la...

Excellence publique 

APEX, l'association professionnelle des cadres supérieurs de la fonction publique fédérale, reconnait l'apport extraordinaire d'individus dans 6 catégories. Ces prix...