A Canadian’s skinny on change
6 min read
When Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty set as a prime goal of his leadership to rejuvenate the public education system, he...
Networking for success
4 min read
The TRIC model of leadership is enshrined in the Ontario Public Service's core competencies for managers and executives.
Agriculture’s collaborative portfolio management
4 min read
Strong portfolio management is increasingly important in today's interconnected world.
Managing black swans: The unprepared in pursuit of the unpredictable
5 min read
The term "black swan" has captured the imagination of many a manager and pundit. Unfortunately, most managers misunderstand it.
Principles, drivers and the little picture
4 min read
Wondering why it sometimes seems so blankety-blank hard to get anything done these days? Everybody will have their own take...
Avoiding the attack of the disgruntled vendor
4 min read
Sore losers: we all know they like to involve their lawyers and deliver threats of legal action.
Ten tough public service jobs
5 min read
Pick an adjective to describe leadership in the public service today. Challenging? Frustrating? Impossible? Or how about "rewarding"?
Managing talent in turbulent waters
5 min read
You've heard it many times: public service leaders are accountable for leading and managing people to achieve results aligned with...
Seeking young professionals? Understand their life stages
6 min read
Any truly meaningful renewal of the public service will, by necessity, involve recruiting and engaging younger populations. To do so...
When contributions and contracts collide
4 min read
Federal, provincial and municipal governments provide billions of dollars in grants and contributions to many thousands of recipients including individuals,...