Better public services or your money back
5 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.7 September 2007 Governments and their public service organizations are at the heart of our system of democracy. The
Igniting innovation and collaboration
6 min read
In December 2008, the BC Public Service launched Spark, an internal website for constructive collaboration within the organization.
The best place to work?
1 min read
Now this is an idea whose time has come: a list of the best places to work in the government....
Modernizing HR management
6 min read
I believe the most exciting, important and rewarding job of public sector leaders is to demonstrate excellence in HR management.
The Three Rs
4 min read
Corporate services branches, particularly in small organizations, often have difficulty balancing scarce resources, skills and effort to satisfy competing expectations...
Building the social media business case
2 min read
To maximize (social media) potential within your organization, intelligent risk management is essential.
Deficient data fails program evaluation
4 min read
This will be a defining budget for Stephen Harper. It will chart the financial course of the federal government for...
The strategic planning imperative
4 min read
In the wake of the G8 and G20 meetings it was expected that the government would build on the success...
Coaching ourselves: Achieving success through guided conversations
5 min read
Henry Mintzberg is Canada's most celebrated management thinker. He and colleagues have recently developed a method to help organizations become...
Pleins feux sur l’Ontario
4 min read
Début septembre, la fonction publique de l'Ontario (FPO) célébrait le 10e anniversaire de Showcase Ontario, sa conférence annuelle d'apprentissage sur...