July/August 2017 issue: Breakthrough Evaluation
1 min read
We are thrilled to offer the July/August issue of Canadian Government Executive on Breakthrough Evaluation. In this issue, we have...
Fort McMurray’s wildfire a year later: ‘a whole of society effort’
8 min read
At this time a year ago, the 88,000 displaced people of Fort McMurray began their heartbroken journey back to what...
Government appointments and the Trudeau Government
4 min read
During the general election in 2015, Justin Trudeau, the leader of the 3rd party, made a number of commitments to...
May/June 2017 issue: Digital Services
1 min read
We are happy to share with you the May/June issue of Canadian Government Executive. In this issue, we have stories...
The Liberals and Democratic Reform: From Offense to Defence
4 min read
As the Liberal’s assumed office, three big democratic reform ideas were floated: electoral reform, e-voting, and mandatory voting. The second...
IMF urges for more action to be taken on Canada’s housing market
1 min read
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in issuing its annual review of Canada’s economy earlier today, paints a positive outlook for...
EP 33: Interview with CATA on the Innovative Solutions Canada program
1 min read
The Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA Alliance) is Canada’s One Voice for Innovation Lobby Group. Recently they issued an open...
APEX announces its 2017 awards of excellence winners
3 min read
In about two weeks, APEX will be holding its 2017 Symposium on the theme of Celebrating Leadership, Innovation and Diversity....
Immigration in Canada
1 min read
Since Confederation in 1867, more than 17 million immigrants landed in Canada of which the year to year number has...
Cost estimation is important to manage public sector funds
2 min read
Cost estimation is becoming an extremely important skill within government due to the ageing population in Canada and the lower...