January 2017 issue: A proposal to change public service culture
1 min read
In this issue of Canadian Government Executive, our lead story is on how to bring about real cultural change in...
What’re People Buzzing About? Your Content Should Join The Conversation
3 min read
Sed faucibus ultrices orci ac malesuada. Cras eu ante dapibus, imperdiet lacus ac, pulvinar nulla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac...
Drone Powered By AI Can Detect Obstacles
1 min read
Duis sollicitudin nibh et libero rhoncus ultricies. Maecenas risus ipsum, imperdiet ac luctus sit amet, volutpat nec libero. Fusce mattis...
Trudeau and Foreign Affairs/ Policy
4 min read
From a policy perspective, it is a challenge to predict how newly elected prime ministers will act once they take...
President Trump – The New Face of Digital Governance
7 min read
The arrival of President Trump in the White House marks a new and potentially ominous phase in the evolution of...
Canada’s cybersecurity status and make meetings more effective
1 min read
In this episode, hear more about how Canada is a prime target for cybercrime, state-sponsored cyberattacks, and lone wolf-type hackers...
Leading the Fight Against Depression in the Workplace
6 min read
Mental health problems are increasingly recognized today. By some calculations, one in five Canadians will experience a mental health problem...
Police-reported crime in Canada
1 min read
The year 2015 marked the first rise in police-reported crime in Canada in over a decade with a notable 5...
December 2016 issue: Evaluation audit practice
1 min read
The latest issue of Canadian Government Executive is now available. In this issue, we have stories on: Does ‘Deliverology’ Deliver?...
Canadians googled Trump the most in 2016
2 min read
As we draw closer to the end of 2016, Google, the search giant that handles trillions of search requests every...