Not fit to print: A new format for delivering the news
4 min read
For decades, governments around the world have relied on the news release to spread the word about programs and policies.
Does collaboration really matter?
4 min read
When you hear the word "collaborate," do you yawn? Do you imagine a fireside kumba-ya with guitars playing?
The power of networks
4 min read
New professionals across Canada are developing novel, more effective approaches to connect with each other within and across ministries by...
Best practices in strategic communications
4 min read
In a time when communicators are almost universally under pressure to deliver more with less, contributing strategic value has never...
Comment l’amélioration des communications avec le citoyen permettra à l’administration publique de se redéfinir
5 min read
La phase d'expansion initiale qu'a connue l'Internet dans les années 90 étant maintenant bel et bien terminée, nous pouvons commencer...
Communicating how we communicate
5 min read
Depending on what stage you are in your public service career, the ideas you conjured up when someone mentions public...
Speaking truth to power: A matter of imagination and courage
6 min read
In my long experience watching and working with many ministers of various political stripes, I never encountered any who wanted...
The power of community
5 min read
The communications community of the Government of Canada plays a central role in connecting Canadians with their national government.
How can government optimize constituent communications
6 min read
With the initial Internet boom of the 1990s now firmly behind us, we can begin to take for granted some...
Pour une Fonction publique de l’Ontario inclusive, diversifiée, équitable et accessible
5 min read
D'ici 2017, les minorités visibles représenteront presque 29 % de la population de l'Ontario. Cette année, la Fonction publique de...