Paying attention to public spending
6 min read
CGE Vol.14 No.1 January 2008 The furor over the $300,000 that Karlheniz Schreiber allegedly gave to former Prime Minister Brian...
A nod for ROI
4 min read
CGE Vol.14 No.2 February 2008 Let's say you're a senior manager, somewhere in the public sector, with a mandate that inclu
Revitalizing a vital institution
5 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.7 September 2007 "If the Public Service, as a core national institution, does not renew itself for futu
Steering your boss in the right direction
6 min read
When pondering leadership, we immediately think of exercising our influence downward in the organization.
Project management in the public sector: The human dimension
5 min read
if possible I would love to ask you a few other questions in regards to your experiences as a Project...
Fair Pay
4 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.8 October 2007 A few weeks ago, the federal government quietly released an extraordinary study. With 800 pages, 77 recommendations, and
Vers le partage des décisions
4 min read
En parcourant tous les diagrammes techniques qui couvrent des cartes murales au bureau de bande, je remarque un dessin à...
Valuing Public Service
5 min read
Bill Greenlaw is the elected president of the Institute for Public Administration in Canada. His keynote speech to their annual...
Le renouvellement des effectifs dans un monde vieillissant
4 min read
On pense souvent que la fonction publique devra recruter un grand nombre de jeunes professionnels, surtout des récents diplômés, pour...
Coaching ourselves: Achieving success through guided conversations
5 min read
Henry Mintzberg is Canada's most celebrated management thinker. He and colleagues have recently developed a method to help organizations become...