In this issue of Canadian Government Executive, we cover COVID passports, living with the pandemic, diversity, digitizing, and more.

Articles include:

COVID-19 Immunity Certificates ‘Passports’ as an Intergovernmental Problem in Canada
By Vijay Raj

The Canadian Economy During COVID-19
By Marcello Sukhdeo

Learning Diversity and Inclusion from Indigenous Leadership
By Megan Fowler

Reshaping Digitized Public Service Delivery
By Albert Ruvuza

Right to Disconnect
By Anisha Suganthan

Hope Floats
By John Wilkins

Living with COVID: Government, Media & Society
By Jeffrey Roy

The Leader’s Bookshelf: Beyond Burnout by Suzi McAlpine
By Harvey Schachter

An Early Election, and the Legislation Left Behind
By Lori Turnbull

Canadian Government Executive – Volume 27 – Issue 03