3 min read
Many Canadians cling to the myth that our health care system is among the world’s most effective, despite evidence to...
Reimagining citizen services with cloud
3 min read
Tech modernization is an urgent priority for the Canadian government. Business and government IT leaders polled in a new IBM...
IBM builds technology platform to help NGOs manage Afghan refugee information
1 min read
In this episode of CGE radio, our special guests discuss how they leveraged technology and a co-creation In this episode...
Delivering greater value to constituents and communities with digitized payment solutions
3 min read
As the global marketplace continues to evolve, the demand for faster, simpler and digitally-enabled solutions continues to grow, particularly when...
The Smartest Cities Put People First
2 min read
Say “smart cities” and most people think technology—sensors, networks, data, the Internet of Things. We need to think people. Technology...
Michael Wernick on Canada’s response to COVID-19
1 min read
In this episode, Lori Turnbull, deputy editor of CGE, talks with Michael Wernick about Canada’s response to COVID-19 and the...
Into the 2020s – Challenges and Opportunities for Public Sector Leaders
6 min read
Key moments in our history are often recognized later by what came next. It is undoubtedly too early to foresee...
Why governments need to capture data
1 min read
Today on the show, J. Richard Jones talks with Scott Putman, CEO of IT Force about Business Intelligence and the...
Self-care for public servants: how do you think and feel about change?
8 min read
There is a story about an ancient emperor who sent their envoys to seek the ultimate truth. After years of...
A Counting Conundrum: How Many Amendments?
10 min read
When the Senate returned the government’s energy legislation (Bill C-69) to the House of Commons last spring, media attention focused...