A new vision for doing business with government
4 min read
In 2005, an Ontario government-sponsored task force generated a number of recommendations to make it easier for small and medium...
Workforce renewal in an aging world
6 min read
Popular wisdom holds that the public service will need to recruit a large number of young professionals, mostly recent grads,...
Comment l’amélioration des communications avec le citoyen permettra à l’administration publique de se redéfinir
5 min read
La phase d'expansion initiale qu'a connue l'Internet dans les années 90 étant maintenant bel et bien terminée, nous pouvons commencer...
La génération – pourquoi et comment?
6 min read
Pour assurer la réussite des organismes publics d'aujourd'hui, il est impératif de mobiliser les fonctionnaires; or, les stratégies pour le...
Capitalizing on complexity
4 min read
How are leaders responding to a competitive and economic environment unlike anything that has come before?
Labour crunch: Better ways to make use of human capital
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.8 October 2007 When Pat Collins left Ottawa in September of 2005, it was the start of what...
New office helps navigate government services
4 min read
The Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment is in the midst of significant change, moving to support government-wide efforts to improve service...
Collision entre les contributions et les contrats
4 min read
Les administrations fédérale, provinciales et municipales versent des milliards de dollars en subventions et contributions à des milliers de bénéficiaires,...
What happened to the paperless office?
3 min read
Stacked in different colours and piled high on our desks, paper occupies every inch of our daily office space. HP...
The value of arts and culture
2 min read
The subtitle of this report, prepared by the U.S. National Governors Association (NGA) Centre for Best Practices, is called “Using...