Achievements and challenges for the Public Service Commission
6 min read
The Public Service Commission is a unique Canadian institution. Its mandate as a guardian of merit and the non-partisan character...
Canadian energy: Policy implications of Chinese investment
6 min read
Since its founding, Canada has looked either east to Europe or south to the United States for export markets. But...
Zero to hero: Changing municipal culture
4 min read
In terms of performance measurement, incentives for success and penalties for failure, public sector organizations operate in a paradigm detached...
Data destruction: proper disposal and privacy protection
6 min read
For organizations with aging or redundant IT equipment – like governments -- the risk of a security breach is never...
Asia is the key to our prosperity
4 min read
For much of the past decade, the government of British Columbia has concentrated on forging stronger ties with Asia, the...
Co-creation and capacity building
6 min read
Once seen as stable, even glacial, the public service is now in a constant state of flux, adapting to new...
Redefining government’s role
6 min read
Treasury Board President Tony Clement is leading the federal government''s Strategic and Operating Review of departments and agencies.
Finding a path from civil servant to entrepreneur
2 min read
Quote of the week “We manage our books really well and we try to generate some surplus; we don’t call...
Teetering on the tipping point
6 min read
Policymakers agree that municipalities are critical to Canada's future prosperity and sustainability.
The generous public servant
2 min read
Robert Fonberg, Deputy Minister of Defence, was launching the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign for 2010 when he said...