Une plus grande participation pour une collaboration sans précédent
5 min read
Après avoir passé plusieurs années à combattre le gaspillage et à superposer de nouvelles règles administratives aux anciennes, l'administration fédérale...
Réussite du projet de TI : Une question de gestion du changement
6 min read
Ken Cochrane a été DPI du Canada de juin 2006 à décembre 2008, date à laquelle sa période d'échange s'est...
The power and peril of proximity
4 min read
One of the peculiarities of the 21st century is the correlation between virtualization and urbanization: more people online on the...
Stimulus spending and online oversight: How the U.S. trumps Canada
4 min read
Full disclosure - the Conservative government has serious problems with the Parliamentary Budgetary Officer, Kevin Page, and so do I.
Finish with a flourish
7 min read
Is retirement on your horizon? Do you plan to finish with a flourish, or are you just putting in time...
The myths of power
7 min read
Government revolves around power. Political parties seek power. They implement their ideas with the help of government executives, who are...
Integrated and lean: The future of healthcare procurement
4 min read
New ways to incorporate value into projects are maximizing the value of dollars invested.
Driving client-centric service transformation across the OPS
4 min read
A short 18 months ago, the Ontario Public Service made its Service Directive mandatory for all ministries.
Cyber attack: Why you might be a target
4 min read
Cyber attacks don't have to look highly sophisticated. Hackers are purposely making them innocuous so that unsuspecting users will click...
“It’s kind of scary”
7 min read
The federal government reached outside the public sector last spring for a new face atop the Chief Information Branch at...