Cyber Centre, with RCMP Support, Publishes Baseline Cyber Threat Assessment Report on Cybercrime
3 min read
The Baseline Cyber Threat Assessment on Cybercrime has been unveiled by the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (referred to as...
Empowering the Citizen Services Ecosystem in Canada: Simplicity, Humanity, Security
5 min read
On September 7th, I was pleased to join our peers at the AWS Public Sector Symposium. This year’s participants, hailing...
The Last Word
4 min read
In a recent opinion poll conducted for The Globe and Mail, it was clear that respondents were not terribly excited...
Build Relationships as Communities of Practice
4 min read
Communities of Practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn...
Time to Increase Arctic Maritime Domain Awareness
8 min read
For too long, the Canadian Arctic has not been benefitting from the attention it deserves. Yet recent events and long-term...
Panel Discussion Highlights: The Relationship Between Government and Private Consulting Firms
8 min read
A Carleton University study found the federal government to have spent at least $22 billion on outsourcing in 2021-22. The...
Governing Digitally – A Critical Inflection Point: Hybrid Work and Artificial Intelligence
4 min read
As Covid subsides, deep-seeded changes to the workplace expand. Two of the most important drivers – hybrid work arrangements, and...
Smart Cities and the Green Economy: Data Privacy and Cybercrime Protection Start with a Smart Cloud
7 min read
Research shows that the implementation of smart cities has a significant impact on the development of an urban green economy.[1]...
How to Improve the Government of Canada’s Accessibility
13 min read
The governments in the European Union, United Kingdom and United States have a requirement to regularly publish data on digital...
Chalk River Laboratories is Revealed as the Site for the Proposed Small Modular Reactor Project by AECL, CNL and Global First Power
3 min read
Global First Power (GFP), in conjunction with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL), recently announced...