Voting digital: Markham connects through tech
4 min read
Technology has fundamentally changed the way governments and their citizens interact.
What’s in your system? Integrated application modernization planning
4 min read
As the IT needs of an organization evolve, and existing systems age, it is critical to look at application modernization...
Mutual respect: Alberta’s political leadership
7 min read
As part of our ongoing series of conversations on the relationship between public service and elected government, Alberta Premier Ed...
Can you still be trusted?
5 min read
Most leaders will readily agree that earning and keeping the trust of others is critical to their effectiveness as a...
Putting patients first: Adopting a lean culture in Saskatchewan
6 min read
Saskatchewan, like other provinces, spends almost half its budget on healthcare. Historically, growth in spending has been around eight percent...
A la recherche de jeunes professionnels? Comprenez leurs stades de vie
6 min read
Pour concrétiser tout véritable effort de renouvellement, la fonction publique devra inévitablement recruter et mobiliser de jeunes employés.
Climate change champion: British Columbia’s Graham Whitmarsh
6 min read
What do nuclear submarines and climate change have in common? For Graham Whitmarsh, former head of British Columbia's Climate Action...
Helping Haiti heal
6 min read
On January 12, 2010, an earthquake crippled the island nation of Haiti. Within 24 hours, a team representing multiple facets...
Tous en voiture pour remettre l’amitié avec les États-Unis sur les rails
5 min read
Bien que la majorité des Nord-Américains ne se déplacent pas tellement en train (leurs déplacements se limitant souvent aux allers-retours...
Managing for performance
4 min read
Performance management leads to either disdain or glee in public sector organizations. Both reactions rely on a faulty understanding on...