Cybersecurity, especially in this time is critical to ensure that systems, data and private information are kept safe. In this podcast, we will hear from Neumann Lim, Director of Digital Forensics and Incident Response at ISA Cybersecurity about challenges, ransomware, threat actors and the next big thing in cybersecurity. 

Neumann leads the development of the services, strategies and methodologies on cybersecurity and incident response for his company. Prior to this role, Neumann spent several years working with large enterprises and governments specializing in incident response. 

With more than 14 years of infosec experience, Neumann enjoys analyzing malware, reverse-engineering and vulnerability research. 

Hear about the top challenges in the cybersecurity field, should a company or organization ever pay an actual ransomware demand, how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed cybersecurity, both from an offensive and defensive perspective, strategies that private and public sector can implement to defend themselves and where should they spend their cybersecurity budget, security tips organizations can employ and the next big thing in the cybersecurity field and what should forward-looking businesses and governments be preparing for today.