In this episode of CGE Radio, we will get into work integrated learning. We will talk about what works and what doesn’t and delve into Riipen, North America’s largest marketplace for work-integrated learning. We will see how Riipen is working with academic and employer partners to address underemployment and disruption and how it is hoping to impact the future of learning and work in Canada.

Joining us today to talk about work-integrated learning is Dana Stephenson, Co-founder and CEO of Riipen. Dana is passionate about lifelong learning. He started his entrepreneurial journey when he made it his mission to eliminate underemployment through experiential learning. 

Hear about how “work-integrated learning” evolved since the inception of Riipen, the impact of the pandemic on work-integrated learning, how Riipen is working with academic institutions to address underemployment, and the impact of the future of learning and work in Canada and getting workers back to work.

About Riipen

Riipen is North America’s largest marketplace for work-integrated learning. Through short-term project-based engagements embedded directly into the existing curriculum, Riipen is on a mission to eliminate underemployment and help learners and industry partners thrive in the future of work.